"So, Erin, at last we meet..."

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tribes of America

RE: Welcome back. (A) Tribes of America. Setting aside the numerical data (as S& P did, apparently), the credit downgrade becomes a editorial on the dysfunction of our society, and the government that it reflects, but more critically an expression of frustration at reason’s failure in the face of crisis. America. We cling to this notion of community when it has become ever more obvious that society has broken down and we are an assemblage of tribes that can no longer cooperate or live in peace with each other. S&P was careful to point out that, even with AA+ status, AAA companies within the US would not suffer a commensurate downgrade (as is customary) so, in a subtle way, they are saying the business community is at least functional within this morass of scapegoating and denial. Why this is, is the central question of our age; will logic, reason and science withstand a moneyed assault by a misinformed mob (mob in both senses of the word). I think it’s plain at this point the mob is winning. I call it a misinformed mob because it’s less accusatory than my real suspicion, that they are cynical, vicious barbarians pillaging this country. The barbarians are inside the wall of the city now and it’s hand-to-hand combat. Who wants in? I’m just saying, I have a fair amount of down time… (B) Being clutch. Reading the body language and nuance of CNN over the last couple of months, I get the feeling that they underestimate you, Erin, similar to CNBC (which has disintegrated in your absence.) I realize it’s hard for a basically humble person like yourself to see yourself as important, even vital, to the public discourse, but I’ve been wondering if things would have reached this state if you had been on the air for the last 3 months, doing what you do, pushing the dialogue to higher level. So now you’ll be back and you’ll have your time to prove it. You’re tanned and rested (you look fantastic even by your standards, keep it up whatever it is) and coach says it’s time to get in there, Burnett. Be clutch, baby, we need you. All the best, TVA.