"So, Erin, at last we meet..."

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Things too funny...

Re: Things too funny/ironic not to be, at least, partially true. (1) Suppressing the Vote. Much has been made, over the last four years, of Republican efforts to “strengthen” voting laws and given the turnout in the primaries, it appears to have taken effect. Romney gets 50% of the vote in Nevada and the media calls it a resounding victory. Expecting 100,000 votes (the Dems got 120,000 in 2008 caucus) the total was less than 33,000. They better start hoping for that voter fraud… (2) When Newt’s Delorean hits 88.7 mph, you’re going to see some serious s***. Given that the unemployment rate trend neatly echoes that of the early Reagan years, the “Morning in America” comparisons have started to appear, increasingly. Interestingly, Madonna’s at the Superbowl, Ferris Beuler’s selling cars and suddenly Newt’s ideas seem fresh and as relevant as ever. And IRAN IS BACK, baby! (I knew I should have kept my Flock of Seagull’s haircut.)  (3) Ford’s version of Chevy’s Superbowl ad. Instead of the hellscape being caused by the Mayan apocalypse, the headlines would have said, “Romney blocks Auto Bailout”. Of course, they would all have had to been driving Fords. (4) It’s a wonderful life. Watching the government wrestle with paygo reminds me of the “run on the savings and loan” scene in “It’s a Wonderful Life”: Obama as Harry Bailey, trying to talk panicked citizens into taking only what they need to get by while Old Man Potter is just waiting in the wings to foreclose when the S and L fails. Will Congress lose the deposit and force a call? Will the townspeople step in and take up a collection? Where’s a war-profiteer when we need one? Stay tuned…(5) Like Fonzie said, “You really get a good look at the shark as you pass over it!” I can only assume NBC’s coverage of the Superbowl was as glossy and vivid as a streetwalker because I didn’t watch it. That’s NBC’s style, long on looks but short on substance, but even knowing that, I expected to tune in the game-mainly because I always have. Instead I spent the 10.5 HOURS playing with my kids and helping my youngest build a diorama. (That’s time I’ll never get back, btw, but I’m okay with that.) I used to be such a sports nut: then I quit watching MLB after the first strike in the 80’s, NBA after the “Kobe” incident and, now, the NFL out of sheer boredom. What I’ve been shocked to learn is, as I quit watching these pro sports, the overall fan base of these sports also declined. I am a microcosm. Can’t wait for the Formula One season at the end of February, however. And I have a cousin in Austin… Hope you had a great weekend, Doll. Missed you on Saturday. All the Best, TVA

Ps. Yes, the diorama kicked ass.