(Background: Erin made a remark, in passing, to Jane Wells on "Street Signs" about jeans designed with eyes on the back that could be made to wink-if one was so "endowed". This is the first email I ever sent her and I've spent the, oh, let's see here, about the last three years trying to apologise for it, in one fashion or another. Someday, in the future, a college class will be offered in "fandom" and this will be present as "Exhibit A" in what not to do...)
Towards the end of the 9/11/09 Streets Signs, you sighed wistfully that you could, indeed, make the eyes wink. No man has risen to your aid as you are maligned (largely by yourself-no matter), so I shall:
When one seeks beauty, it is communion with God most perfect,
That pure prayer of the soul that would only resonate within Heaven's bowers.
When one would speak and so deny that which is most perfect creation given,
When one would see and so deny that which light and vision marry,
When one would feel and so deny that which for which adoration is born unto this world,
Then we turn back blind to this world, having lost sight of God.
It is then that man would truly know despair,
having that back turned, that beauty denied.
It is in the shadow of that beauty that a man's redemption awaits
having confronted thus that shade with pure and open heart.
In the shadow of beauty awaits a fuller beauty.
How could that which comforts you,
which supports your most contemplative thoughts,
which gives you rest from your labors
which forever as your shadow must dwell
How could the light of Heaven that casts that shadow so,
that light from the very heart of God that would have you so defined
In this how could there be fault found?
No, I say it is in the callow heart of man that shrinks from thee.
As my Grandmother used to say, "It's not the size of one's following but the quality that is important." I think I've spoken to and for it.
All the Best
Towards the end of the 9/11/09 Streets Signs, you sighed wistfully that you could, indeed, make the eyes wink. No man has risen to your aid as you are maligned (largely by yourself-no matter), so I shall:
When one seeks beauty, it is communion with God most perfect,
That pure prayer of the soul that would only resonate within Heaven's bowers.
When one would speak and so deny that which is most perfect creation given,
When one would see and so deny that which light and vision marry,
When one would feel and so deny that which for which adoration is born unto this world,
Then we turn back blind to this world, having lost sight of God.
It is then that man would truly know despair,
having that back turned, that beauty denied.
It is in the shadow of that beauty that a man's redemption awaits
having confronted thus that shade with pure and open heart.
In the shadow of beauty awaits a fuller beauty.
How could that which comforts you,
which supports your most contemplative thoughts,
which gives you rest from your labors
which forever as your shadow must dwell
How could the light of Heaven that casts that shadow so,
that light from the very heart of God that would have you so defined
In this how could there be fault found?
No, I say it is in the callow heart of man that shrinks from thee.
As my Grandmother used to say, "It's not the size of one's following but the quality that is important." I think I've spoken to and for it.
All the Best