Erin. As I stated in my last email to you, I’ve watched you, now, for several years and, from the tone of the letters on this page, I’d like to offer a broader perspective to those who are only judging you after the OWS segment. Had I been in the room prior to that segment’s airing, I would have compared it to the Egyptian rebellion that you witnessed, personally, and cautioned, that, with the advent of social media, it is increasingly easy to gather large groups of people with little in common other than their unhappiness-but that does not mitigate the effectiveness of the gathering in sounding a voice of solidarity. The mistake I would have stopped you from making is not realizing the two revolts are the same: both are popular uprisings against corrupt regimes. After seeing the courage you displayed in that reporting during the civil war there, it saddens me people saw you for the first time on CNN the way they have. I don’t believe that person is the real you nor do I believe you’re presenting bias toward financial interests because you're colluding with bankers. I don’t think a person’s character fundamentally changes in 9 months but I do think you’ve got too many people with the same mindset in the room with you. So, I make this offer to you: I’m willing to come to New York and work with you. I’ve written more than 50 emails to you (and I can tell you’ve read most of them) so you know who I am and what I stand for. Notice I’m not applying to work for CNN: I’m offering my pen and my voice to you. A voice you can trust. Your IT department can obtain my email address from my CNN tag TVA2011. If I’m wrong and the person I see on CNN is the real you, I won’t miss you, but if the old Erin is the real Erin, I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t offer to help. All the Best, TVA. Ps. For God’s sake, talk back to these people on this page. Don’t just sit there and take it. I can see in your demeanor it bothers you, deal with it.