"So, Erin, at last we meet..."

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Netanyahu Question

Re: The Netanyahu Question. Given that you were a geo-political economics major, I’m certain you will find a more elegant way to state this question. My question proceeds from three observations: that Islam is growing, and spreading, at a much faster rate than Judaism, that Islamic states control the price of oil, in large measure through the actions of OPEC, which is still fundamental to the stability of all developed countries and the vast majority of developed states are democratic. If you accept the apparent truth of these statements, why is Israel not seeing, and seizing, this moment as its, perhaps, last and best chance to sue for peace with its neighbors? Israel still has the support of the US and most Western States, all of which have growing Moslem populations which will eventually overtake the Jewish ones in the political dynamic, not to mention the deleterious effect provocative rhetoric has on the price of oil, which impacts each person in those developed countries. Does Israel not see this, or is this a hand and glove arrangement with those Islamic states benefiting both? The oil-producing states benefit from the rhetoric ratcheting up prices while Israel continues to benefit from billions in arms from the Israel-Egypt Treaty. The bottom-line is, whichever is the case, this arrangement must end, yet another reason from Israel to sue for peace now. Yet, they appear to want to continue this dynamic until the point they will have lost all of their leverage. Why? Erin, I look forward to your interview with Bibi and I know you’ll do a great job. You’re the best we’ve got. All the Best, TVA.