"So, Erin, at last we meet..."

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Stephen Colbert

Re: Herman Cain. I understand you’re going to sit down with the Hermanator tonight and you have something in common with him that you may have not considered discussing: Stephen Colbert. After dispensing with the topics of the day, towards the close of the interview:
EB: “You know, Hermie, Stephen Colbert is trying to pass himself off as you on the SC ballot.”
HC: “Members of my staff have made me aware of this shocking, appalling breach of etiquette.”
EB: “Riding your coattails, right? I’ve recently had a similar experience with this, this, man. While disseminating information vital to the public discourse, I was viciously, scurrilously attacked for some imagined flaw in my “flicking” technique…
HC (interrupting): “And flushed down a toilet, if I recall. Disgusting. The man appears to have no internal censor and his staff obviously lives in fear of his irrational rage.”
EB: “All for what? A cheap laugh, the chance to promote himself without doing any of the actual work necessary to achieve a meaningful place in the hearts and minds of the public. It lowers me to even mention this besmerchment upon both our characters but I feel compelled, in the interest of REAL JOURNALISTS, to call out this person and identify him as the charlatan he so clearly is!”
HC: “The only flaw in that plan would be it relies on integrity he revealed himself to be deficient in…”
EB (interrupting): “…or lacking, entirely…”
HC: “Right. Obviously a coddled child of permissive parents who has never really grown-up.”
EB: “ True, but no matter how tragically reared, an adult must at some point be held accountable for his misdeeds. If it takes a village to raise this child, we are your village, Stephen.”
HC: “Feel the full pain of the Burnett wrath.”
EB (shaking HC’s hand): “Word.”

I double-dog dare you (which is the most dreaded of all the dares.) All the Best, TVA.
Ps. Like this (so she does it).
Pss. Amphibious camels didn’t play with the ladies, although they did find the song of the fully buoyant camel “Haunting” in a not good way. Obviously, as a woman, you knew it wouldn’t work. Are you C(amel)-blocking me?