RE: Energy (as variations in continuous media). I’ve watched, with great interest, your commentary on America’s sudden surplus in oil, which you often mix with the phrase energy, and the important thing to differentiate is oil is an energy storage media, not the captured energy itself. All energy comes from the Sun, less nuclear energy which is structural form of energy in the Universe, and our current dilemma springs from our inability to release that energy save for burning the media that contains it. In order to understand our reality, we have carefully segmented it into matter/energy, space and force: compartments, boundaries that the universe takes no heed of, functioning in its continuous and seamless fashion. The boundary that we have drawn between particle and wave energy is misplaced and should be redrawn as matter/energy and wave/space. What we perceive as limit the universe sees as media: our perception is that wave energy proceeds across continuous media, as sound travels through the air, and yet as a current is passed through a wire, a magnetic field is established as a reaction to that passing, that disturbance of the space/wave field. A form of accounting for the non-quantifiable energy (not fitting into a quanta packet) that moves simultaneously with energy in quanta. This works regardless of the conducting media: solid, liquid, gas or plasma because it is not state related, it is space related, a manifestation of the universe as largely structural wave energy that matter/energy bonds upon and interacts with. The Greeks were right all along, there is a “ether” though not gaseous as they imagined, rather a web of wave energy the accounts for all energies that do not conform to matter/energy quanta packets. When a photon of energy X strikes a receptor that requires only X-1 to fulfill, the plus 1 is released, in current theory, as a wave energy, when the proper viewpoint is, it is absorbed, accounted for, by the preexisting space/wave fields. The quanta proportions are established upon inception, not upon delivery, and the sub or super quanta energies are accounted for by the structure of the universe. Particle/wave duality is a misnomer and is as fundamental a misunderstanding as mistaking action for reaction. That waves exist coincident with particle motion does not mean they are causal by that particle, rather the passing through of the media: when a pebble is dropped into the continuous media of a pond, the pebble does not spread its energy, its mass, across the pond, the pond reacts to the disturbance of its set field with waves. The quantas of energy sufficient to agitate the water are absorbed by it and the insufficient are reflected into the air, producing the sound, ”kerplunk”. All energies are accounted for in this way. What does this have to do with oil? The current capture of energy by plants via photosynthesis can be improved upon given that they only react to photons of sufficient quanta to grow and all other energies greater or lesser are reflected or ignored. This energy is accounted for by heat, a form of wave energy. All the Sun’s energy that is not absorbed by plants becomes heat, it’s pretty much that simple, and heat wave energy is continuous across all media on this planet but is absorbed by space. Almost a pattern emerging… I’m just saying, heat capturing and converting devices would be a more efficient method of energy transference than photonic devices, such as plants, and cleaner, too. Plants grow in dirt, you know, and what is dirtier than that? Oh, they’re so damn smug, aren’t they? They’re all, “We can capture light and make it work for us . What can you do?” but no, they won’t even deign to speak to us. Well, they’re getting theirs now, aren’t they? All the Best, TVA Ps. Sorry for going on like that, I guess you struck a nerve.