"So, Erin, at last we meet..."

Saturday, April 28, 2012


RE: Bribery and quid pro quo. The difference between lobbying and bribery is quid pro quo or, more precisely, the acknowledgement of it. Our political system functions under the expectation of suspension of disbelief in these matters-like going into a movie and even though you know it’s a movie, it seems so real. Politicians say, “Sure, I took their money and voted their way but the two are completely unrelated!” and we go along with that because, I, for one, would never vote for someone who would take a bribe. Yet, that’s how they get us to vote for them in the first place, isn’t it? They promise us things to get our votes, then, when they get to Washington, well, they’ve just got to vote their consciences then and we need to understand we are all just single voices that aren’t always going to get our way. They are what they are and when they get elected, their prices go up. Its our fault for expecting them to have hearts of gold because that only happens in the movies-like “Pretty Woman” for example. Remember that scene when she cried at the opera? That was great! What was I saying…oh, yeah, bribery is bad. Being Richard Gere would be cool, though. Women love him. All the Best, TVA Ps. If you ever wondered, I am for sale. Consider it a perpetual first date here you buy me things and I consider if I’m going to put out or not. Throw some money at me and we’ll just see what happens. I know you’ve been cheated before but suspend your disbelief and believe, again! Pps. I’m not really for sale-I’m a tease, but you could be the one to change me so suspend your disbelief and believe, again! Ppps. Really, I just give it away which, oddly, makes me morally superior-so suspend your disbelief and believe, again! (Just remember, you can’t hold me responsible for the things you believe. Sounds like a platform…TVA in 2012!)