RE: (1)Bizzarro Hugo. While you were interviewing the former prosecutor on prison healthcare, he at one point stopped and said, (paraphrased) “To save money, the really sick should be released…” which has the unintentional effect of pointing out the incarcerated have it better than the average American in some respects and that putting that prisoner out on the street would actually be a form of punishment. Is it cruel and unusual? I’m sure the Supreme Court will be hearing that one… So, if the Medicare allowance is $6500 and health insurance costs more than that, there’s really no reason not to rob banks-it’s a win-win. I’d just steal a loaf of bread (‘cause I’m all literate like that [and a huge fan of irony { but not that ambitious.}]) Like that analyst said, “We have a saying around here, ‘People gotta eat!’” which I’m certain I invented but it would look ridiculous to argue about. (I’m just saying…) And Madoff’s ahead of the curve, AGAIN. (2) Being a Jerk (Machiavellianism). Psychologists insist there is a high correlation between intelligence and being a jerk. They refer to it as Machiavellianism. I’ve noticed there is a high correlation between intelligence and the use of vulgar language. Perhaps most people just think they’re jerks because they’re too &%$# stupid to understand them (a Bill Gates quote, which I’m certain I invented but it would look ridiculous to argue about.) (3) Not answering questions. I loved it when you pushed the deputy Treasury official to answer the question last week-he was actually sweating at the end of the segment, awesome. Do that again, and soon, except next time really meltdown on the guy, just be all, “Well, I thought you came here to answer questions and that’s a question, right? Don’t like that one? Just what question will you answer? Just tell me what you want me ask you so you get a chance to DO YOUR JOB and answer questions. That’s what you get paid for, right, answering questions? Why do you seem surprised, do you think I can’t ask a hard question? Is it because I’m a woman? Don’t you think it’s disrespectful to women when one asks you a question, you run down some BS like that and expect me just to accept it? CNBC has the highest net-worth, most intelligent audience in the world and you bring that weak stuff in here? How dare you, sir!” Yeah, something like that would be great- it’s just a concept, punch it up and make it your own. Can you say “Viral”? I know deep down you’re still a jerk, you’re just a little out of practice. And I ask for so little… All the Best, TVA Ps. Haven’t said this in a while but you get prettier everyday, Erin. Pss. The reference to Hugo is Victor Hugo, “Les Miserables” and the stealing bread thing is Jean Valjean, you got that, right? Everything old is new again…