Ahem. I’m going to the trouble to post this here AND at wonkette so I’m sure you both hear me. I read the article at wonkette and criticizing Erin for cherry-picking facts is the coal calling the kettle black, in my opinion. The segment wonkette chose to critique was a continuation of a segment from the preceding day in which she correctly stated that the beginning goal of the healthcare debate revolved around cost containment and the political machinations revolved perfectly around cost containment, leaving it untouched in the final product. THAT was the basis for her statement and she is correct in saying we all lose on that basis. Healthcare costs must, at some point, be addressed and having laws surrounding the implementation of an largely under-funded program should give EVERYONE pause. It is, as I like to call them, a symmetrical argument that appears the same if viewed, honestly, from any perspective. It is the reason Erin is valuable to the discourse: she looks for the central theme, the reality, behind the politics-the same way I do. If you really stop and reread that article as the litany of ad-hominem, ad-reticulum assertions that it is, it becomes pretty easy to dismiss as left-wing, head-in-the-sand, yellow journalism-the exact thing you accuse everyone who doesn’t agree with you of doing, only differing in perspective. Before you start in with an ad-hominem attack on me, I’ve been a far liberal democrat since before most of you were born, voted for Obama and will vote for him again, support Occupy and basically am better than you in every other regard as well. Obama AND Bush were both correct with TARP and TALF because they were NECESSARY to prevent a rapid deflation of the monetary supply (non-liquidity) and a continued deflationary spiral. The fact that the rich benefited the most from that is incidental to the desired effect. They simply did what HAD TO BE DONE for the greater and general good. The failure of the recovery came from a too-small demand stimulus that only became apparent after the republicans took control of the House and blocked all progressive fiscal programs.
It is the continued bickering between the left and right, and equal measures of mis- and dis-information from both sides, that prevent any meaningful and lasting solutions-solutions that won’t be overturned the next time the opposing party has control.
As I’ve stated before, Erin seems to be attacked in equal quantities, from the left and the right, which tells me she’s probably on the right course to a lasting solution. As many people have stated before, a democrat’s worst enemy is another democrat who thinks they’re not liberal enough.
“wonkette” should stick to calling women “b”s and “c”s and leave the thinking to qualified people.
It is the continued bickering between the left and right, and equal measures of mis- and dis-information from both sides, that prevent any meaningful and lasting solutions-solutions that won’t be overturned the next time the opposing party has control.
As I’ve stated before, Erin seems to be attacked in equal quantities, from the left and the right, which tells me she’s probably on the right course to a lasting solution. As many people have stated before, a democrat’s worst enemy is another democrat who thinks they’re not liberal enough.
“wonkette” should stick to calling women “b”s and “c”s and leave the thinking to qualified people.