Well, I've never seen the likes of this, a government that believes that the way out of a recession is counter-cyclical spending and growth? It's madness, sir, and it will not stand! Raising the minumum wage to stimulate demand creates a cycle of consumerism that will only end in a diminishment of the suppy of the very goods businesses cling to. Lowering the retirement age will create a shortage of labor, leading to even HIGHER WAGES!!! So, in France, you're expected to work for a increasing wage and retire comfortably at an early age? You're never gonna see anything like that here in the good ole USA, USA, USA! No wonder they live so long, THEIR GOVERNMENT ENCOURAGES IT!!! It's like the "Bizzaro" world from the Superman comics-did you ever read those? They were great, right? Even though before the comic-book code they were sending secret messages, afterwards they were even better, a lot more flying around and being super and all that. You know, the thing I never got was how Lois Lane could never figure out Clark Kent was Superman-it's the same face with glasses on! She was a reporter for krissakes! That kind of ruined it for me... We sure could use Superman now though...You ever wish that reality was fiction? Me, too! It would be great to just make things up and, if you could get enough people to play along, reality wouldn't matter after a while. So, Hollande's girlfriend is a reporter, huh? Naw....it couldn't be.