"So, Erin, at last we meet..."

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Gary Heaslip

I am curious as to why Erin made the comments about Canadians thinking they are perfect ( a couple of nights ago ). If a group of people are financially responsible and hardworking and caring, shouldn't they be praised and not put down?Like · · 5 hours ago 4 people like this.

Thomas Vincent A'Hearn Can't you just be happy you were mentioned?
3 hours ago · Like

Gary Heaslip Even my Grandson (pictured above) was shocked at the comment! Look at that face!
3 hours ago · Like · 2

Carly Aitchison-Ferris I think Thomas is angry because he isn't perfect
3 hours ago via mobile · Like

Thomas Vincent A'Hearn Well, I'm not perfect but at least I'm not Canadian. My ex-wife was Canadian, a women of such deep imperfection that even I couldn't fix her, which is a damn shame 'cause she was smokin' hot! So, I tend to take it out on Canada whenever I can, does that make me a bad man? How dare you judge me! You're not perfect which I think is the point Erin was trying to make... (I kid 'cause I love...)
3 hours ago · Like


I am an offended Canadian!!! Perhaps you should give some thought to the fact that you have many cable watchers in Canada, before you go off on Canadians! The fact that I heard your ridiculous rant about Canadians thinking they are better than everyone else - night before last is an indication of the interest we have in the American scene. I have no idea what prompted your rant and it made absolutely no sense to me!!!! Americans are hated around the world; you might want to give a thought to the impact that journalists have in contributing to your image. Perhaps if you treated your friends with a little respect - your position in the world of public opinion might improve. Oh by the way - your advertisers talking about the wealth of the oil sands and that being the future solution to your energy problems seem to forget that there is a border with Canada between them and the oil sands!!!!
Like · · 3 hours ago

  • Thomas Vincent A'Hearn Is there any other kind of Canadian than a "offended Canadian"? As far as American's being hated, I just think we're misunderstood, kind of like your boss that you're just hoping to get alone someday so you can kick his ass. What you don't see is how needy your boss is, how he has to have ALL the money because he lives an empty, spiritually deficient lifestyle. Where is your compassion for this pathetic creature? Show some mercy for crissakes-and keep sending us your oil, bitches!!

  • Marcella Blais I think you need anger management dude!! Who has compassion for a bully who has access to an international television show. Get upset about bullying in the schools and then question what TV commentators contribute to bad attitudes!!!!

  • Thomas Vincent A'Hearn First of all, Erin is not a bully, she's a pretty, pretty princess, get it right. As far as anger management, I used one exclamation point in my post, you used SIX. Yeah, and don't just "dude" me like that, out of the blue. That would be like me going all "sister-girl" on you: do you think you'd like that? By the way, nobody's contributing to my bad attitude, I've already got plenty.

  • Marcella Blais Pretty princesses are some of the worst bullies.

  • Thomas Vincent A'Hearn What, did they finally get "Mean Girls" up in Canada? Pretty, pretty princesses need our love and compassion too!!! Why do Canadians insist on perpetuating this cycle of hatred? Can't we all just agree that I'm right and you're wrong, so very wrong? Princesses will outgrow their bullying and, yet, still be so pretty, pretty. So the glass is half-full, if you see it that way. I'm sure she's sorry she said you think you're all perfect: we can all see from these posts how wrong, so very wrong, she was...

  • Marcella Blais LOL yeah it took a while for "Mean Girls" to get up here by dog sled and then we had to build a really big igloo to watch it in.

  • Thomas Vincent A'Hearn That's why we love you, the sense of humor...

  • Marcella Blais Most of us can be loveable.! Let Erin know.

  • Thomas Vincent A'Hearn Well, I happen to know she was only speaking to the unloveable ones. Baby seal are loveable, too, but that doesn't mean you don't want to just club one every now and then, right? (That's right, I went there.) I'll let Erin know about our conversation when she comes home tonight, just after our several hours of lovemaking, you know, pillowtalk. That's when she's the most easily manipulated, and I"ll suggest to her, "Kitten, let me handle the Canadians from now on: you know how much I enjoy it." She'll look up to me with tears brimming in her eyes, "Whatever you think is best, Thomas, just never leave me!!!!" Oh, yeah, I got it like that.....